Best Seller Web Development

Basic MERN Stack Bootcamp

(1.2K reviews)
0 hours

Course description

Welcome to our Basic Node.js course! Dive into server-side JavaScript with Node.js, mastering asynchronous programming, web server creation, and database integration. Learn to build scalable and efficient web applications and APIs with Express.js. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to expand your skills, this course offers a solid foundation in Node.js development. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, unlock the potential of Node.js and unleash your creativity in building dynamic and robust server-side solutions. Join us on this journey to harness the power of JavaScript on the server side and propel your career in web development forward..

What you'll learn

  1. Master the fundamentals of Node.js and asynchronous programming.
  2. Build web servers and APIs using Express.js.
  3. Integrate databases and perform CRUD operations.
  4. Develop scalable and efficient server-side applications with Node.js.
  5. Acquire hands-on experience through project-based learning, enhancing your Node.js proficiency.

Program details


Introduction to Node.js

Explore Node.js, its asynchronous nature, and event-driven architecture..


JavaScript Basics

Brush up on JavaScript fundamentals including variables, data types, and control flow..


Node.js Modules

Understand the module system in Node.js and how to create, import, and use modules..


File System Operations

Learn to perform file I/O operations using built-in modules like fs..


HTTP Module

Explore the HTTP module to create web servers and handle HTTP requests and responses..


Asynchronous Programming

Dive deep into asynchronous programming using callbacks, promises, and async/await..


Express.js Framework

Introduce Express.js for building web applications and APIs with Node.js..


Database Integration

Connect and interact with databases like MongoDB using Node.js..



Learn to use middleware for request processing in Express.js applications..


Project Development

Apply Node.js skills to develop a practical project, integrating all learned concepts..
