Best Seller Mobile Application Development

Flutter Mobile Application Development

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Course description

Welcome to our Flutter Mobile Application Development course! Dive into the exciting world of mobile app development with Flutter, Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. This comprehensive course covers everything from the basics of Flutter, including widget creation and layout design, to advanced topics such as state management, platform-specific integrations, and performance optimization. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started in app development or an experienced developer seeking to expand your skills, this course provides the perfect blend of theory and hands-on practice. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and expertise to develop sleek, responsive, and feature-rich mobile applications that run seamlessly on both Android and iOS platforms. Join us on this journey and unleash your creativity in building innovative and user-friendly apps with Flutter!.

What you'll learn

Flutter Basics and Foundation

Introduction to Flutter

  • What is Flutter and why use it?
  • Setting up Flutter and IDE VSCode/Android Studio).
  • Running a sample app and understanding the folder structure.

Dart Basics

  • Variables, data types, functions, classes, and loops.
  • Working with async, future , and await

Flutter Widgets

  • Core Widgets: Text, Container, Row, Column, Stack, Image.
  • User Input Widgets: TextField, ElevatedButton, Checkbox, RadioButton.
  • Layout Widgets: Expanded, Flexible, and using Padding/Margin.


  • Basic navigation with Navigator.push and Navigator.pop
  • Passing data between screens.
  • Using Drawer and BottomNavigationBar

UI Design and Forms

  • Responsive UI with MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder
  • Creating and validating forms
  • TextEditingController for managing user inputs

State Management with Provider

  • Why state management is important.
  • Setting up and using Provider for state management.
  • Managing global state and sharing data across widgets.

Working with APIs

  • Making HTTP requests using the http package.
  • Parsing JSON data.
  • Displaying data in ListView and GridView.
  • Error handling and loading indicators

Local Storage with SharedPreferences

  • What is SharedPreferences?
  • Saving and retrieving key-value pairs locally.
  • Examples: Storing user settings or preferences.

Firebase Authentication

  • Setting up Firebase in a Flutter project.
  • Implementing email/password sign-up and login.

Cloud Firestore

  • Adding, updating, and deleting documents
  • Fetching data and displaying it in the app.
  • Realtime updates with Firestore

Firebase Storage

  • Uploading images/files to Firebase Storage.
  • Fetching and displaying uploaded content.
  • Advanced Firebase Authentication Phone Authentication using OTP.

Firebase Storage

  • Uploading images/files to Firebase Storage.
  • Fetching and displaying uploaded content.

Advanced Firebase Authentication Phone 

  • Phone Authentication using OTP
  • Google Sign-In.

Advanced Firestore Usage

  • Structuring collections for scalability.
  • Using queries for advanced data fetching (e.g., filtering, pagination).
  • Security rules: Read/write permissions.

Animations and UI Enhancements

  • Using Lottie for animations.
  • Simple Flutter animations like fading, scaling, and rotation.

App Deployment

  • Preparing the app for deployment

Final Project create a real-world app 

  • incorporating:
  • Provider for state management.
  • Firebase Authentication and Firestore.
  • Firebase Storage for image/file uploads.
  • SharedPreferences for local storage.

Program details


Introduction to Flutter

Explore Flutter basics, installation, and setup..


Dart Programming

Learn Dart programming language fundamentals for Flutter development..


Widgets and Layouts

Master widget creation and layout design for building UI in Flutter..


State Management

Understand stateful and stateless widgets, along with advanced state management solutions..



Implement navigation between screens and deep linking in Flutter apps..


Basic UI/UX Design

Learn basic UI design principles and how to create simple yet effective user interfaces..


Firebase Integration

Integrate Firebase services for authentication, database, and storage functionalities..


Platform-specific Features

Implement platform-specific features like geolocation and push notifications..


Testing and Debugging

Explore basic testing and debugging techniques for Flutter apps..


Advanced Flutter Concepts

Dive into advanced Flutter topics such as custom widgets, animations, and gestures..


Advanced State Management

Master advanced state management patterns like Provider, Bloc, and Riverpod..


Advanced UI/UX Design

Explore advanced UI/UX design techniques for creating polished interfaces..


Performance Optimization

Optimize app performance through code splitting, lazy loading, and memory management..


Continuous Integration and Deployment

Set up CI/CD pipelines for automated testing, building, and deploying Flutter apps..


Advanced Firebase Integration

Utilize Firebase advanced features like cloud functions and real-time updates..


Platform-specific Integrations

Implement advanced platform-specific features for iOS and Android..


Advanced Testing and Debugging

Learn advanced testing strategies and debugging techniques for complex Flutter apps..


Advanced State Management Patterns

Implement Redux and MobX for large-scale applications..


Advanced Networking

Integrate GraphQL and other advanced networking concepts into Flutter apps..


Project Development

Apply all learned concepts to develop a sophisticated mobile application, integrating basic and advanced features..
